Sunday, June 2, 2013

Online Dating Diaries: Let's Date

Let's Date is a pretty cool app. You get to scroll through profile cards and either say "Let's Date" to someone or "No, Thanks". If you say you'd like to date someone, the app puts your profile card in their deck. If they say they'd like to date you too, the app with then allow you to chat.

Selectively allowing chatting makes this app one of my favorites. It eliminates the billions of undesirable messages that fill up my inbox on other sites. The downside of this is that the people you live are barely ever geographically close to you, so you can have all the conversation you want, but when it comes to actually meeting up, it's a challenge.

The app is glitchy, not loading profiles very well and failing to send messages. I could see it going big places, but it just isn't there yet.

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