Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Burpees & Boobies

Anyone who's ever done more than one burpee will tell you that they are the worst. The. Worst. Try doing them quickly in a workout with other moves and you quickly start questioning your sanity.

It's worse for girls. Repeatedly slamming a soft, sensitive part of your body onto gym mats makes for some sore girls. For a while, I'd dread the days following burpees more than the actual burpees themselves. I blamed my pain entirely on the floor...until this last weekend.

We did the Games 2010 WOD 7: 3 Cleans followed by 4 HSPU for 7 rounds. I wanted to see how my form was looking, especially on the heavy cleans, so I had Nick video tape the first three rounds. I was certainly not prepared for what I saw when I replayed the video later on. I'd post it here, but it's almost NSFW.

Now, I've never considered myself to be particularly busty, average maybe. While my opinion of their size hasn't changed, I have a whole new appreciation for their range of motion. Those girls were everywhere (and not in a good way)! I can see how a spectator would be worried that they were going to break lose, especially after seeing myself do HSPU. I'd known that some of my sports bras were more supportive than other ones, but I had NO IDEA how inefficient some of them actually were.

I can see how the pain started with burpees. The burpee is explained as the move that contains the fullest range of motion for your whole body. You literally go from standing, to laying down, to jumping...and that's just one. Think of it from your boob's perspective, they're squished onto the ground and then bounced around on your way back up. Full range of motion = Ouch! While I have no plans to inhibit the range of motion for most of my body, the girls have got to be controlled.

What's the solution to my problem? Shopping, of course! And throwing away my old bras. I'm trying out a site called Fabletics, which is almost like a monthly subscription service for workout clothes. They claim to be the less expensive Lululemon, which is enticing. The clothes are cute and I've got some coming my way. I'm sure I'll do a full reveiw. 5 stars if the bras rock and the tights aren't see through!

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